Cultural Capital

Within the Computing department at Colne Community School we aim to deliver cultural capital to both our key stage 3 and 4 students through both the theoretical and practical elements of the subject. The curriculum covers historical milestones, influential people, technological advancements to understanding the cultural, social and historical elements of technology and Computing.

Real-world applications and case studies are embedded into the curriculum to show the use of programming and technology in the world we live. Through the teaching of topics such as Programming, Computer Crime, Networking, Game Development, Legal and Ethical Impacts, E-safety and digital literacy we hope to engage our students into the world of technology, allowing them to become enthused outside of the classroom.

Throughout their time at the Colne Community School we will equip students with the technical skills to succeed in life outside of the classroom but also with cultural, ethical and legal insights into the world of technology.

Curriculum Journey

This is a map to show the learning journey in Computing and IT from year 6 through to further education and possible careers.

Computing Curriculum Journey.pdf

Overview of the learning journey in Computing and IT

 Year 7 

In year 7 Computing we begin the year by looking at the effective use of computers and E-Safety. Once students have a grasp of using the computer they will have an introduction to basic programming  using Kodu. We then move on to Computing Principles and looking at how Computers represent information. Students will then progress they computer programming skills first using Scratch and then text based programming using Small Basic. Our final project will develop the students digital literacy and creative skills through App Development using MIT App Inventor. 

Year 8

In year 8 Computing we start the year looking at Spreadsheet Modelling using Google Sheets, their studies will move onto understanding Computing Law and Crime. Students will then start to develop their programming skills progressing from year, now using Python, this will lead onto looking at Computing Algorithms and Computational Logic. The year will conclude with understanding sound and graphics through Sound Editing with Audacity and Graphics Editing with Fireworks. 

Year 9

A deeper understanding of Converting Number Bases and how to convert between binary, decimal and hexadecimal are covered in year 9. Units of Information and how to convert between unit sizes e.g. GB to TB link to the number bases. Representing characters, images and sound links to binary conversions. Key algorithms are taught for searching, sorting and compressing data. The advantages and disadvantages of these are studied.

Year 10 


Students explore Data Types and Structures and how computers store and manage different types of data in different ways. Arithmetic, Relational and Boolean Operations are used within programs to carry out calculations and decision making with programming. Computational Thinking Inc. Decomposition, Pattern recognition, Abstraction, Algorithm Design. Teach students to think in a logical way to problem solve. Complete a Programming Project 


Students in year 10 ICT will start the year developing their understanding of an User Interface and knowing the different Features of an Interface. This will lead onto the students developing their Project Planning Skills. While creating and reviewing their own user interface students will need to work on their Design Techniques and Creativity Skills.   They will look at different methods of representing and presenting data, they will need to know how to make data interesting. Students will then move onto looking at different ways of Collecting and Using data, this will then lead to the students Manipulating Data for different scenarios by creating effect data models. 

Year 11 


Year 11 Computing students will begin the year looking at Computer Networks and the different Security Threats which surround Networks. Students will then study different types of Software and its role in the system, student will explore the different Legal, Ethical and Cultural Issues surrounding computers. Students will then move onto reading and writing Flowcharts and Pseudocode before completing Revision 


In year 11 ICT students will be studying topics linked to their exam. This will begin with the Understanding of digital technologies and their use for personal and professional means. Studies will move onto the Threats to data, this will also look at the use of public and personal networks. The final area of study of year 11 will be Ethical and legal responsibilities relating to the use of computers before completing revision.