Cultural Capital
In History students get the opportunity to build on skills for life in work by having opportunities to debate, analyse and evaluate. Students use sources in History to form opinions which they share and justify with their peers. Students present not only their opinions but also research to the class, looking ahead and building mood boards, research pages and movie designs. Students are built for success by being given opportunities to explore careers where History can take them such as war correspondent, estate manager and museum curator. Subject experts are brought into the school to give the students hands-on experience of being a medieval apothecary. Students are also offered to go out and explore History physically by visiting History in their local area as well as trips abroad to visit the sites of WW1. History is about equipping individuals with knowledge of who they are and setting them up with the skills to enquire, challenge and discover.
Curriculum Journey
This is a map to show the learning journey in History from year 6 through to further education and possible careers.

Overview of the learning journey in History
Year 7
In the Autumn term students cover an overview of ancient civilisations followed by the role of state and church in Medieval society.
In the Spring term students complete a depth study into the Tudor dynasty and its impact which leads onto the English Civil war including a local study into the witch craze.
In the summer term students cover ‘Civil rights - from slavery to emancipation and beyond’ this is followed by a depth study into the Native American society and culture.
Year 8
In the Autumn term students cover the ‘Great War’ its causes, key events, the armistice and the subsequent peace treaties.
This is followed by the history of Russia through to the establishment of the USSR.
In the spring term students study the rise of Nazism in Germany and the Holocaust study.
In the spring/Summer term students study the key events and impact of the Second World War.
Year 9
In the autumn term students will begin a study of Post War Britain to establish the events that helped to develop our modern Britain. This is followed by a depth study of the Vietnam war and the American involvement.
In the spring term students study an overview of Britain tracing key themes on their development. This is followed by a study of America covering the prohibition and the depression eras and investigating key people and events post World War Two.
Year 10
Students begin with a study of the USA 1920-73. From the booming twenties through to the Great depression, it takes a broadly chronological approach dipping into thematic post war society such as civil rights and politics.
In the second half of the spring term we focus on the Inter-War years 1919-39. With a strong focus on European politics, it considers the impact of the Versailles settlement and its role in creating the situation where Europe was ripe for war within just twenty years.
Year 11
Students complete a study of Elizabethan England, considering the impact of the recent religious upheavals by the Tudor dynasty and the challenges that Elizabeth faced during her reign. Some time is dedicated to a site study which is set annually by the exam board.
Students will also consolidate their KS4 learning. Topics are re-visited with a focus on the development of the specific exam skills for each topic and the application of knowledge to generate success in their final exams.