Cultural Capital
Curriculum Journey
This is a map to show the learning journey in Product Design from year 6 through to further education and possible careers.

Overview of the learning journey in RE
Year 7
Year 7 explore Religious Education using 3 lens: Theological, Philosophical and Sociological. We begin our Learning Journey at the beginning of existence. This introduces students to all 6 of the world’s great religions. Students gain an understanding of how sacred writings can be interpreted in different ways e.g. literalist and liberal. Students gain insight into how different groups within Christianity practice their faith. We look at the concept of being responsible for ourselves and for the planet. Continuing our theological focus on sacred teachings such as the 10 Commandments. We finish the year with a focus on key moments in a human's life as marked by different religious traditions. This then takes us to the life of Buddha and what motivated him to give up everything he had in his search for enlightenment.
Year 8
Year 8 continues with the Theological and Philosophical lens on trying to understand arguments for God's existence and what 'He' is like. We then look at how belief in God has shaped attitudes to gender, relationships and identity. We continue our Learning Journey with the idea of responsibility, focusing on religious teachings and their interpretation. This takes us onto Human Rights and the conflicts that can arise between them and religious worldviews. Students then look at the religion through a Sociological lens- the rise of non-violence and how the 5 Pillars give purpose and meaning to millions of Muslims. The aim of the first 2 years is to give students a basic understanding of the unique features of the Abrahamic (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) and Dharmic religions (Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism).
Year 9
In Year 9 students go deeper in their knowledge of the 2 main religions of the UK and the world: Christianity and Islam. The Theological Lens is used to explore core Christian and Muslim beliefs i.e. Why is the day Jesus died called 'Good' Friday? Once students have a more solid understanding they are better equipped for debates. Students use the Philosophical Lens to understand the complexities of ethical issues e.g. abortion and capital punishment. In the final term students look at religion through a Sociological Lens: How is shapes human behaviour and society. We then finish with exploring how religion has changed religious people’s lives over the 21st Century, with the rise of social media.
Year 10
Year 10 GCSE Option students continue their learning journey using the Theological Lens to gain a wide ranging knowledge of Christian and Muslims beliefs and practices. This will create a solid base from which they will then engage with the Thematic topics. We continue the course using the Philosophical and Theological on the Existence of God. We apply all 3 lens in relation to topics as diverse as humanities environmental conservation, animal rights and euthanasia. Students are expected to apply religious and non-religious ideas in their writings. We finish the year focusing on the ethical complexities and divergent worldviews on arguments for war and reasons for punishment.
Year 10 World Views (statuory and non-examined) This is a fortnightly lesson which introduces students to concepts and ideas that they would not normally come across in everyday life. For example we begin the course by exploring different concepts of reality. This introduces to philosophers throughout history. The course explores both religious and non-religious beliefs. Students are expected each term to write an extended essay on an open question e.g. what is reality? Discuss.
Year 11
Year 11 GCSE Option students continue their learning journey exploring relationships, sexuality, family and identity. This is carried out primarily with a Theological and Sociological Lens. This then leads onto Human Rights and social justice which incorporates more of a Philosophical approach. We then explore the ways beliefs can shape attitudes to key questions of the 21st Century. This undertaking involves all the skills of all three Lens. The aim is to prepare students for the ever changing world they are stepping closer into and enable them to have religious literacy.
Year 11 World Views (statuory and non-examined) This is a fortnightly lesson which introduces students to concepts and ideas that they would not normally come across in everyday life. For example we begin the course by exploring morality and this introduces students to thinkers like Bentham, John Stuart Mill and Kant. It gives students an opportunity for discussion and debate. The aim of the course is to ensure that when students reach the end of their time at the Colne they are able to engage in the sharing of ideas on a level, which shows a knowledge and understanding that there is not one type of Muslim, Christian, atheist etc. That there is a multiplicity of beliefs within every tradition. This should equip them as they go out from here with a deeper awareness and ability to communicate with respect and religious literacy.