Vision and philosophy
"The philosophy of science is inherent in the process. This is to say, you think critically, you draw a conclusion based on evidence, but we all pursue discovery based on our observations. That's where science starts."
Science underpins our understanding of how everything works.
In Biology students learn how living organisms function, how they are organised, and how they interact with each other and the world around them.
In Chemistry students learn what matter is made of, how different chemicals are formed, and how and why they behave like they do.
In Physics students will gain an appreciation how the underlying physical principles that have existed since time began affects everything that exists.
Through learning to use their observations to make scientific explanations, and connecting the different threads of science, students will gain a holistic appreciation of the Universe, and their fundamental place within it.
Cultural Capital
Scientific discoveries and new inventions influence our lives every day.
Our Science curriculum empowers students to grow an appreciation of Science in all its forms be it past present or future. It allows students to link their knowledge to its applications in life, the world around them and their personal experiences by providing opportunity to attain and retain scientific knowledge and develop lifelong practical skills. Science promotes evidence based thinking and rational thinking. And the scientific approach helps students to become independent thinkers and collaborative learners.
The Science curriculum offers a way of understanding the world around us and our place in the universe, which has been built over time through tested methods.
Students have the opportunity to explore how scientific thought has developed over time due the work and endeavours of many people of varied nationalities, gender, and background, with curriculum links to relevant careers, STEM activities and scientific research and discovery. We want to enable students to appreciate the world from a scientific point of view and believe that they can be successful.
Curriculum Journey
This is a map to show the learning journey in Science from year 6 through to further education and possible careers.

Overview of the learning journey in Science
Year 7
BIOLOGY: Skeletons, cells and microscopy will lead you to understand what goes on inside your body; we will then look at how organisms connect and interact with their environment. Life cycles, genes and adaptations will show you how amazing living things really are.
CHEMISTRY: Solid, liquid and gases are studied in relation to their properties and we will explore how materials can be separated. We will look at the chemical reactions of metals, acids and salts and understand what our Earth is made of and why its movement is important.
PHYSICS: Our forces topic will explore the effects gravity and speed calculations; electromagnets will model and design circuits and we will take a closer look at electrical energy and energy in food and fuels. We will also discover how light and sound help us to interpret the world around us.
Year 8
BIOLOGY: Breathing, digestion and looking after your body will take us on a journey of nutrition and drugs. Key biological processes such as respiration and photosynthesis are all around us and we will discover why they are so important. Inheritance and extinction will conclude biology with a look to the past and to the future.
CHEMISTRY: We will classify elements and look at their chemical and physical properties. We will find out why chemical reactions are so important to us and how the Earth provides materials for these reactions. We will also discuss our impact on Earth and how to be sustainable.
PHYSICS: Our forces topic will explore motion and pressure; We will model magnetic fields, build electromagnets and discuss their uses. We will take a closer look at energy stores and energy transfer in the world around us and we will find out how waves can be useful and sometimes harmful.
Year 9
BIOLOGY: Cells and organisation will walk you through calculating magnification and comparing prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. We will help you to understand processes such as osmosis, cell division, gas exchange and transpiration. Enzyme function in digestion will also be explored.
CHEMISTRY: Atomic structure will delve into sub atomic particles, bonds and formulas of elements and compounds. We will also explain patterns of reactivity using the periodic table. Organic chemistry investigates the properties and formulas of hydrocarbons and chemical analysis will allow you to identify unknown substances. Lastly we will look at how the Earth’s Atmosphere has changed over time due to the impact of human activity.
PHYSICS: We will revisit energy stores including energy calculations and also investigate energy transfers and compare renewable and non-renewable energy resources. In particles at work you will gain greater understanding of different kinds of circuits and how they can be useful. Density will also be explored.
Year 10
Disease and Bioenergetics will explore the impact of lifestyle and pathogens on animal and plant health. We will interpret data on non-communicable disease at local, national and global levels and measure the rate of photosynthesis and discuss oxygen debt. Biological Responses will help you understand how animals and plants control and coordinate their movement and reproduction. Homeostasis is all about balancing conditions inside our bodies so that they may work efficiently.
Chemical reactions and energy changes will teach you how to represent different types of reaction as equations and diagrams, interpret displacement reactions and decide if a reaction involves oxidation or reduction. We will explain the difference between metals and non-metals in terms of their atomic structures and bonding.
Find out why unstable nuclei change and the difference between fission and fusion in radioactivity. Forces in action will look at vectors and scalars, resultant forces and speed, velocity and acceleration. We will calculate weight, explore elasticity and discuss momentum.
Year 11
BIOLOGY: In genetics and reproduction we will discuss DNA, genes and alleles and take a look at how gametes are formed in meiosis. We will explore genetic diagrams to predict inheritance outcomes and look at how selective breeding and genetic engineering can be used to our advantage. Ecology will investigate distribution and abundance of a species and we will discuss the forces of natural selection in relation to competition and adaptation of species. Material cycling, population explosion and food security will conclude our ecology topic.
CHEMISTRY: Rates of reaction will apply the particle model to chemical reactions and help you to explain what catalysts and activation energy are. We will calculate balanced symbol equations and predict reactants and products of chemical reactions as we study chemical equilibrium. Using Earth’s Resources will analyse data on finite resources and carry out life cycle assessments and the impact of making new materials.
PHYSICS: By measuring wavelength and frequency of waves, you will calculate speed and also understand how Electromagnetic waves can carry information and form images. We will reflect and refract waves. We will link electromagnets to motors and generators and discuss orbits, satellites, and stars.