Cultural Capital
Physical Education provides many opportunities for students to develop their cultural capital through personal and social development. Students are encouraged to develop positive exercise habits through participating in a broad range of activities in our curriculum. Students develop practical skills that build their resilience and confidence when practising and performing, whilst learning to respect rules and regulations. Students are encouraged to work independently and in teams to solve problems and understand tactics, where cooperation, fair play, etiquette and empathy are promoted at all times. PE provides opportunities to build leadership and communication skills to support students in developing a wider skill set which can transfer into the world of work.
Curriculum Journey
This is a map to show the learning journey in PE from year 6 through to further education and possible careers.

Overview of the learning journey in Physical Education
Year 7
In Year 7 PE, students will participate in a broad range of indoor and outdoor sports (including athletics, dance, games and gymnastics). In each sport, they will develop a range of basic skills and techniques to improve their performance. Students will gain an understanding of tactics and strategies and will be able to apply these in a range of sports. Whilst practising in conditioned situations, students will learn how to analyse their own performance and demonstrate improvement. Students will also gain an understanding of how to construct a warm up and cool down and will improve their communication and organisation through being able to lead these for small groups.
Year 8
In Year 8 PE, students will become more competent and confident in their skills and techniques and will continue to participate in a broad range of indoor and outdoor sports (including athletics, dance, games and gymnastics). They will build upon their understanding of tactics and strategies and will apply these in a range of competitive situations. Students will learn how to evaluate their own and others performances and will develop leadership attributes through developing their own practices. Students will begin to appreciate the short and long term benefits of exercise.
Year 9
In Year 9 PE, students continue to enhance their skills and knowledge across a broad range of sports. Students learn how to demonstrate more advanced skills and techniques and gain knowledge of tactics to allow them to perform successfully in conditioned situations. Students will learn the main rules and regulations in a range of sports. This will allow them to perform in competitive situations with confidence. Finally, students will continue to develop their evaluation and leadership skills, helping them to work with others in different situations.
Year 10
In Year 10 PE, students will study a coursework unit, titled “Taking part and improving other participants' sporting performance”. In this component students will continue to develop skills and techniques in a variety of sports but will specifically focus on one selected sport for their own assessment. Students will learn the rules and regulations of their selected sport and must practically demonstrate their performance in a range of skills, techniques and tactics in both practice and competitive situations. Students will learn about the role of different officials in sport and how the officials apply selected rules. Students will study the components of physical and skill-related fitness. They will be able to define each component and link these to practical examples to match a scenario provided by the exam board, showing how each component of fitness can impact on performance. Finally, students will learn how to plan a series of progressive drills for a sports skill within their selected activity and will be able to justify their choice of drills. This culminates in students leading their drills to a small group to demonstrate their knowledge of the key teaching points. They will provide both demonstrations of the drills and feedback to the participants to help them to improve their technique.
Students will also begin to study a further coursework unit, titled “Preparing participants to take part in sport and physical activity”. In this component students will explore different types of sport and physical activity, considering the benefits of participation. They will investigate the needs of different participants and consider barriers to participation that they may face, along with methods to overcome these. Students will also learn about different sectors that provide sport and physical activity within the UK.
Year 11
In Year 11, students will complete the second coursework unit (preparing participants to take part in sport and physical activity). In the remainder of this unit students will learn how to plan a warm up to prepare a selected participant for activity and will explore the benefits of each phase of the warm up. Students will then lead the warm up they have designed and support the participants in completing this. Finally within this component students will investigate different types of technology and their benefits in sport and physical activity.
The course is completed by studying Component 3 “Developing fitness to improve other participants' performance in sport and physical activity”. This component consists of four topics which are explored in both a theoretical and practical sense. Students learn about the importance of fitness for sports performance, where they consider the principles of training and ways to monitor the intensity of exercise. They will investigate fitness testing to determine fitness levels by taking part in a wide range of fitness tests and learning how to evaluate and interpret these. Students will also investigate different fitness training methods and will experience a range of methods to allow them to assess the advantages and disadvantages of each. Finally they will explore fitness programming to improve fitness and sports performance. Alongside this, students will continue to take part in a range of sports during practical lessons and will appreciate the importance of lifelong participation.