Cultural Capital
Dance encourages students to accumulate knowledge, behaviours and skills that they can draw upon to demonstrate their cultural awareness and competence to be successful members of society. Students learn to appreciate the work of different choreographers and take inspiration from this to produce their own performances. Students develop practical skills that build their resilience and confidence when practising and performing to an audience. Dance helps students to become independent thinkers and collaborative workers, through the use of successful communication and team work, in which students must show respect and appreciation for each other.
Curriculum Journey
This is a map to show the learning journey in Dance from year 6 through to further education and possible careers.

Overview of the learning journey in Dance
Year 10
In Year 10, students will develop their understanding of the Performing Arts (Dance) by examining two professional works and the process used to create a performance piece. With this, students will develop their analytical, performance and choreographic skills within two dance style techniques. Students will develop their performing arts skills and techniques through the reproduction of professional dance repertoire and will get an opportunity to work within groups to create their own work in response to a brief. All students will get the experience of taking part in at least two performances throughout the year, one of which will be in front of a large audience.
Students will look at three set works throughout the year, exploring them practically and through research tasks. Students will gain a knowledge that underpins effective use of skills, process and attitudes in the sector, such as roles, responsibilities, performance disciplines and styles. They will look into the different roles and responsibilities within the performing arts and take on the role of a dancer, choreographer and experience costume design, directing and producing. All students will get the experience of taking part in at least two performances throughout the year, one of which will be in front of a large audience.
Year 11
In Year 11, students will start by developing their performing arts skills and techniques through the reproduction of dance repertoire. Students will study one professional work in depth and experience working as a performer, where they will develop technical, practical and interpretive skills through the rehearsals and performance process. Throughout their development, students will review their own process and consider how to make improvements to their practice. After this, students will be given the opportunity to work as part of a group to create a workshop performance in response to a given brief and stimulus. Working as part of a group, students will develop their ideas for a workshop performance and apply skills and techniques to communicate their creative intentions to the audience. All students will get the experience of taking part in at least one performance throughout the year.